Monday, November 15, 2010

#027 Hearing / Listening

Talking to one another can be a very effective form of communication between two or more people - that is, if you can actually hear the other person.

I don't speak very loudly or very softly, and I adjust my volume to match my surroundings. But I get extremely pissed off when I have to constantly repeat myself. If you can't actually hear me - that's one thing. TELL ME I'm not speaking loudly enough for you to hear me, or at least move closer to me so you can hear me. If you're not actually listening... well then, you should pay more attention.

I know you're not listening to me when the following scenario takes place:

Me: "Did you get that email?"
You: "What?"
Me: ....
You: "Oh yeah, the one about ________?"

Don't just ask me "What?" immediately following my question. I know you heard me, you just weren't listening. I would rather you take an extra few seconds, think about what I said, form a clear, educated response, then proceed with continuing the dialogue.

And for fuck's sake, PLEASE just SPIT IT OUT ALREADY. Don't respond to my question until you can recall the full details and tell me in one fluid sentence. Waiting around for you to form a coherent thought really tests my patience.

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