Friday, January 27, 2012

#086 Snowy Parking

Snow is a fact of life when one lives in the region of the country where I call home. Very often there is snow that arrives overnight causing a layer of snow to cover parking lots of workplaces and places of business. When people arrive in the morning and it's still dark outside, they apparently have no idea where they're parking (with respect to the parking spaces) unless they park in a corner of the lot. So when people leave for lunch (or even the end of the day), they return to their vehicles after the snow has melted and find that they parked across two spaces because they couldn't see the lines.

However... if they were smart, they would realize that if you drive your vehicle across where the parking spaces are, the tire tracks will reveal the lines (GASP! What a concept!) and they will therefore not look like a complete moron for not being able to figure out how to park in a designated parking space when there's only about an inch of snow on the ground.


  1. When finishing my undergraduate degree at Oakland University, a row of people parked behind the second row of already parked cars. As you can imagine, we were blocked in!

  2. Oh Melanie... When are you gonna realize not everyone is as smart as you.

  3. It is called saving gas mileage. Not everyone wants to waste that extra trip to drive over lines of recommendation
