Monday, June 11, 2012

#099 Road Killings (Turtles)

In the late spring and early summer months, the area in which I live sees a lot of painted turtles crossing the roads. Since there are plenty of marshy areas and slow-moving bodies of water nearby, the turtles seem to thrive in such an environment. However, with an overabundance of people not paying attention (and the few drivers who are such sick bastards that they actually attempt to run them over), many turtles don't get to make it across the road and are killed by vehicles every day.

I don't get it. I mean, it's not like the turtle just ran out into the road and you couldn't avoid running it over. It's not like it just popped up at the last second and you're like "Oh, SHIT!" and you suddenly have to try to swerve out of the way...... NO. Turtles move slowly. VERY slowly. There is absolutely NO REASON that anyone should run over a turtle on any roadway. Period.

Say you're on a dirt road and you spot a turtle: drive around it.
Say you're on a two-lane rural road or highway: drive around it.
Say you're on any type of road with or without traffic: drive around it, or slow down so that you CAN drive around it if traffic does not permit you to drive around it at that time. And if you can't slow down enough to do this, you're probably driving too fast (so slow the fuck down already).

See? How hard was that?!

I don't claim to be a turtle-rights advocate or anything, but don't run over turtles! They didn't do anything to you. They're probably just trying to procreate..... would you want someone trying to kill you every time you tried to have sex? I didn't think so.

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