Wednesday, July 14, 2010

#013 Whistling

Whistling is just flat-out annoying to me. What is the purpose of whistling? I can understand if you have to whistle at someone to get their attention from afar, or to flag someone down, or I can even handle the occasional cat-call whistle. Whistling at sporting events as a form of cheering: acceptable. Whistling a tune in a public place: unacceptable.

Why?!?? Why must you whistle??!? Can't you just "listen" to it in your head, and not whistle it out loud? I get tunes stuck in my head all the time, but I don't whistle them, or hum them, or even attempt to sing them in public. Keep it to yourself!

I once worked with a guy that would whistle theme songs of game shows while at work. One day I finally walked around the corner from his work station where he was whistling quite loudly, and I said, "Family Feud??? Really???" He just laughed, and I just rolled my eyes and walked back to doing my job, trying desperately to ignore the noise pollution he was carelessly creating.

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