Tuesday, March 8, 2011

#043 Routine Complaints

I get to my job pretty early in the morning, but most everyone I work with arrives at about the same time. There are even a few people that arrive a bit early, depending on how their commute went that morning. During the winter months, there is no daylight upon the start of my shift, and only around this time of the year does the sun actually start rising just before my shift begins.

Since my office area is not occupied throughout the night, the lights are turned off when the last person leaves for the day. Therefore, when I arrive early in the morning, the lights are off.... EVEN IF there are people who have arrived before me.

Yes, that's right: on a daily basis people are sitting at their desks, in the dark, either already looking at their email, chatting, or in some cases sleeping until it's actually "time to work". So, on a daily basis, when I arrive I will immediately turn on the light in my office area because typically no one else has done this by now.

Big deal, right? WRONG. Apparently these people are bothered by the fact that I'm turning on the lights when I arrive, and would actually rather sit in the dark for as long as the sun is not shining into the room. The fact that they're bothered by this doesn't annoy me, but the moaning and complaining that I hear about it each and every day really bothers me. They should know by now: if I'm going to be in the office, I'm GOING TO TURN THE LIGHTS ON when I arrive for the day. For the life of me, I can't understand why they don't just expect the luminous shock they are about to endure at the same time every day.

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