Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#067 Homonyms (4th)

I recently visited a popular county park used for camping where there were 4 streets, each named in sequential order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. However, the words were spelled out and not abbreviated as I put them in my previous sentence. Can you spot the mistake?

I find it humorous that the last photo shows the sign "NO ALCOHOL BEYOND THIS POINT" right next to the street sign. Perhaps there was alcohol involved when the street signs were created? (just kidding)

... and just in case you couldn’t figure it out, it should be Fourth, not Forth.

I actually went into the park office and mentioned it to the nice ladies running the place, and they have been aware of it apparently for a few years now. Since it is a county park, they can't change the sign themselves but rather need the county to come out and change it for them. Since it is not a huge priority, it just keeps getting pushed off. I commended the ladies for actually noticing and acknowledging the error; it seemed to be a pretty sore subject. I guess I wasn't the only one to point out the error!

Aren't there checks in place to prevent these mistakes from happening? I mean, doesn't someone have to approve the production of a sign before they are installed? If that was the case, perhaps this would not have happened.


  1. The park that you are referencing is in my former jurisdiction for work -- I will elaborate no further. Bwhahaha!

  2. Mongo has a new drink, and it's made with Kahlua. Really tasty, but someone didn't do their proofreading as ALL of the promotional material in EVERY store has a nice description of the new Kaluha drink....embarrassing....
