Sunday, April 8, 2012

#093 Touching (Pregnant Bellies)

I have previously written about touching before, and how much it bothers me when people touch me. I'm not a germaphobe or anything, I just feel that if I'm not close to you, you shouldn't touch me.

To further rant about the topic of touching, I don't understand how people are so drawn to touch a stranger's pregnant belly. I have to believe that everyone, at some point in their life, has been related to or very close friends with someone who has been pregnant, and that woman has allowed them to come in contact with her pregnant belly. The fact that a complete stranger can see a pregnant woman walking through the mall or in a grocery store and will approach that woman and touch her belly, with OR without asking, is beyond my comprehension. I just don't see how it's AT ALL appropriate!

If you see a pregnant woman, and you're tempted to touch her belly, do yourself a favor and compliment her on her outfit or her hairstyle instead, or even tell her that she looks great (even if she doesn't). She will be very thankful that yet another stranger didn't attempt to touch her belly.


  1. We posted your blog entry on our FB today!


    1. Wow, that's amazing! Thank you!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog as well.
