I'm not one to post about religious things because people get their panties in a bunch over the stupidest shit, but this topic is somewhat religious-related but is not bashing any religion. I'm not here to discuss religion. I'm here to discuss what bothers me, and it relates to a religious holiday. Relax.
If you do a quick Google search on what is Easter, you will find out that Easter is defined as "the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox."
If you're like me, you only care about Easter weekend because it means having Good Friday off work and Reese's Eggs are for sale in retail stores.
I'm not minimizing the importance of this holiday for some people, but for me it's not. It has also become an "American" holiday since it has become largely observed by corporations and they provide a day off for their employees.
What bothers me about it is the fact that it moves every year, yet some people still refer to it as if everyone knows when it occurs.
According to the definition above, Easter can occur anywhere between March 21 and April 25, depending on the lunar calendar. I would venture to guess that the majority of people don't follow the lunar calendar, and currently require the internet (or some other published source) to let them know when Easter is going to occur that year (or subsequent years). That means that Easter could potentially occur during any of FIVE WEEKS during a calendar year!
Here's a scenario:
Friend: Let's take a trip to Florida.
Me: Sure, when do you want to go?
Friend: Let's go over Labor Day weekend.
Me: I'm available then; let's do it.
You see, everyone here knows that, in America, Labor Day occurs on the first Monday of September. Labor Day weekend would be the Saturday and Sunday leading up to Labor Day, and generally people get that Monday off, too. My point is that EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT when you say "Labor Day weekend."
Here's the same scenario again, except using Easter as an example instead:
Friend: Let's take a trip to Florida.
Me: Sure, when do you want to go?
Friend: Let's go over Easter weekend.
Me: WHEN THE FUCK IS THAT???!?!??!?!?!?!
Friend: Well it's the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox, duh.
If you're one of these people who just assumes everyone knows when Easter weekend occurs, cut it out. Do everyone around you a favor and specify when you're planning something that references "Easter weekend." If you assume that I know when Easter occurs, expect to have the following conversation.
Someone: Please come to my house on Easter Sunday.
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