Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#050 Sick Days

I suppose I'm pretty fortunate that my company allows each of us to take sick days; some companies don’t have such a policy.

For those companies that DO have a policy allowing sick days, I truly wish more people would actually use them. It's annoying when people are coughing and hacking all day, but I can't stand it when people think they actually need to physically be AT WORK while they’re sick! When you’re sick and feel under the weather, you’re really not that productive anyway. Pair that with potentially getting everyone else sick, and that's just a recipe for disaster. Copy machines, door handles, telephones, coffee pots, drinking fountains: in an office environment people touch these things all day long. Office sickness is one of the major things that really makes me an advocate of proper handwashing.

Very often people in an office building will get sick from their kids, then bring the sickness to work and spread it all around there, then other people get sick and pretty soon entire families are sick and then practically entire towns. Now, I'm not saying to not have kids: let’s be reasonable here. I’m simply saying this: if you’re sick, STAY HOME. Although.... some people *shouldn't* have kids... but that's an entirely separate topic (stay tuned for THAT one!).