Monday, February 9, 2015

#131 Punctuality (Time Management)

I have previously written about my mandatory one-hour lunch at work, and I have also written about punctuality in general. This particular rant encompasses both.

Every day at 11:30 I have to take my hour-long lunch. Every. Day. At 11:30. This never changes.

Every day at 11:30 I have agreed to leave work with someone to go run errands and grab lunch on the way. Every. Day. At 11:30. This never changes.

Yet EVERY DAY I am left searching the office for this person, or fetching this person from their desk at 11:30. Why? Well, that is a very good question. I would like to know the answer myself!

In a perfect world, I would look up at my rear-view desk mirror and notice that this person is walking up behind me with their coat on and car keys in hand. Ultimately, this is the goal. Perhaps I haven't nagged them enough yet. Perhaps I haven't trained them hard enough. Perhaps I haven't given them enough shit about how much it aggravates me that I have to go and search for them or remind them of the time. Perhaps they're just a self-centered dick who doesn't care about my feelings or being on time for any.fucking.thing in the world. Perhaps they just don't care.

I have even scheduled a reminder in their work calendar so that it pops up to remind them that in 15 minutes they should be leaving. The reminder is also set to pop up at 11:25 to give them a 5-minute heads-up. And, once again, it will remind them at 11:30, practically shouting, "Get off your ass, put your coat on, and walk over to Melanie's desk because it's TIME TO GO."

I doubt I will ever understand why people seem to lack the ability to manage their time properly, especially when their actions (or lack of actions) affect others. It seems like these people will never understand how truly frustrating they are to people like me.

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